veoneer bangalore address

August 1st, 2020

Category: top tourist destinations in the world

Veoneer India Private Limited's Corporate Identification Number is (CIN) U35923KA2017FTC108947 and its registration number is 108947.Its Email address is and its registered address is #52, 4th floor, Green Heart Building Mfar, Manyata Tech Park,Hebbal Ring Road Nagavara, Bangalore Bangalore KA 560045 IN, -,.

Veoneer. Its Registered Address and Contact Email are '#52, 4th floor, Green Heart Building Mfar, Manyata Tech Park,Hebbal Ring Road Nagavara, Bangalore Bangalore KA 560045 IN' and respectively. Veoneer’s employees are responsible for immediately reporting suspected or known violations of the Code of Ethics, the law or Veoneer standards to their manager, a member of management, HR, the Legal and compliance department of through the Veoneer helpline, a multi-lingual third-party operated service where reports can be made confidentially, and anonymously, 24/7. Just click on the 'Update Information' button below to start the process. All e-mails from the system will be sent to this address.

This privacy policy (the “Policy”) explains how and why Veoneer, including each of its operating entities also (referred to as ”Veoneer”, “We” or “Us”), uses personal data about individuals who apply to work with us (referred to as “you”).

This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. It is classified as Subsidiary of Foreign Company and is registered at Registrar of Companies, Bangalore. *Industry classification is derived from National Industrial Classification.

At the direction of the Board, our Legal Department will initially receive and process communications before forwarding them to the addressee, and generally will not forward a communication unless it is related to the duties and responsibilities of the Board.Veoneer claims the copyright interest in the compilation in all the Veoneer website content, including without limitation, the incorporated Veoneer websites. Corporate Identification Number (CIN) of Veoneer India Private Limited is U35923KA2017FTC108947 and its Registration Number is 108947. We design, manufacture and sell state-of-the-art software, hardware and systems for occupant protection, advanced driving assistance systems, and collaborative and automated driving to car manufacturers globally. It is inolved in Manufacture of transport equipment n.e.c. This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. We are adding and updating information about hundreds of thousands of companies every day, and periodically add companies to the queue for being updated. Any shareholder or other interested party who wishes to communicate with the Board, the independent directors, or the non-executive directors regarding the company can do so by writing to such person(s) at the following address:Such communications will be distributed, if appropriate, to the specific director(s) requested by the stockholder or interested party, to the Board or to sessions of independent directors as a group.

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