salmon trolling setup

August 1st, 2020

Category: top tourist destinations in the world

We like using a Many fishermen think that the only way to troll for salmon is with downriggers.

Some ask why is this important? New You can cover a ton of ground with your boat and get your lure in front of deeper swimming salmon. The added bonus of the design of the Luhr Jensen Jet Diver is that if it ends up getting snagged or stops moving, it will rise up to the surface for easy retrieval. Divers force your line and lure underwater by applying downforce when trolled through the water.

It can also dive further at lower speeds than the Jet Diver.If you would rather skip buying a diver you can also use traditional lead weights to troll for salmon without downriggers. Trolling for salmon is one of the most effective ways to catch them. If you guys would have any suggestions, tips, or tricks I would appreciate it tons.

Out of all the divers we’ve used, it also dives the deepest. Let us know about it in the comments below. Trolling for salmon is one of the most effective ways to catch them. 6 to 8-ounce keel weights are a great option if you plan on trolling at 30 feet deep or less.

The typical setup is to let out 50 feet of line, attach your snap weight, then let out another 50 feet of line. The keel keeps the weights pointed in the correct direction while trolling them through the water. ​Your choice of salmon trolling setup will largely be determined by how, where and for what you intend on fishing for.Trolling puts a lot of strain on your setup and you really need to choose the right combination to make sure that it is durable enough to do the job.For example a downrigger rod needs a faster action on the tip so that it can bend easily down towards the weight ball.If you are long lining in the top few feet of the water column then it is better to go with a rod that has a more moderate action.​When trolling practically every outfit should use a trolling reel.

The quick on and off ability also allows you to remove them once you have a fish on. Before we close, we wanted to list a few more tips and tricks for getting your salmon lures down even deeper without the use of downriggers.This will minimize the amount of drag the line has when being trolled through the water. If you follow these you’ll avoid the most common mistakes. A high quality single hook reduces this possibility considerably and you will find that you get a lot more hook ups in the side of the salmons jaw which is the best place to hook them.Switching out the trebles for singles also allows you to dress the single hook with a squid or hoochie skirt for added swim action. Lil Baby [Official Music Video] - Duration: 3:25.

Using this type of setup for salmon trolling is the hassle free way of getting your lures down to the correct depth without a lot of guess work.You can do it using other methods such as adding inline weights to you line or using lead core line but they are not as accurate when it comes to getting to a precise depth.Once up close they should see your lure as a small fish that is not in the bait ball and see it as easy prey.Flasher work by emitting a lot of vibration and flash as they spin through the water. Luckily if you aren’t using downriggers to troll for salmon, you usually can’t afford to troll very fast. The Luhr Jensen Dipsy Diver has an adjustable trip mechanism that forces the diver to lay flat when a fish strikes your lure. I can't seem to get my gear down deep enough, there is way too much angle on the line. You can get some great value trolling reels that will last a decade of use providing you look after then and service then regularly.You'll need a size ​300 or higher as you would want to able to hold at least 200 yards of 20 lb line.I tend to run 40 to 50 lbs braid as the main line and the either a 20 or 30 lbs leader of monofilament or fluorocarbon.​You need that leader to act as a shock absorber as braid has very little or no stretch.Some guys will run lighter braid as their main line but the problem with more modern braids is that they are actually too thin and under pressure the top layer of line will dig into the line that is already on the spool which can cause a tangle and a massive head ache especially of you are on a fish.When the salmon are holding deep the the best option is to use a downrigger. This is what the salmon are attracted to and a really deep depths the color of your flasher is not that important more so that it is vibrating and flashing strongly.There are lots of lures to choose from, hoochies, spoons, plugs even large With these types of lures you will almost always need the added help of a flasher or dodger.Depending on the type of lure that you are using the stock hooks may not be of the best quality.​A lot of salmon anglers will switch out the stock treble hooks for higher quality single hooks.​If you are using treble hooks than you run the risk of foul hooking your salmon. Fishing current, wind direction, and light penetration can all play into factors of the trolling direction.

Salmon Trolling Setup. That way I can see what’s working best that day and adjust my tackle and tactics.” King salmon put up a spirited battle on the relatively light tackle used for this style of fishing, but they have notoriously soft mouths, so you must apply steady pressure throughout the fight, without overdoing it.

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